Study Abroad Student Handbook
Germany Germany
Center for Global Education


welcomeWhen preparing to study abroad in Germany, it is important to gain a balanced perspective. Safety is a global, national, regional, and local phenomenon. As Americans have come to realize, the United States is no more immune to acts of crime or violence than other parts of the world. The resources we provide will assist you in understanding the particular safety challenges in Germany. This resource gives a framework of information, checklists, questions, and resources that help review the type of study abroad program you will choose/have chosen, the available support services, ways for you to be prepared for the realities abroad in Germany.

Students may find it extremely helpful to do some research before going abroad; understanding a country's culture, laws, customs, politics, etc. can be tremendously important. The more you know ahead of time about Germany, the better prepared and more confident you will feel when you arrive.

Internet research is one of the easiest ways to find more information about Germany. The Center for Global Education compiled a condensed list of information and helpful Internet resources on Germany for students considering study abroad. In creating this site, the Center's goals are to help educate and inform students so that they can enjoy a safe and healthy time in Germany. Students are encouraged to read through the information on Germany, and visit other recommended sites provided in each section.

Students may find it extremely helpful to do some research before going abroad; understanding a country's culture, laws, customs, politics, etc. can be tremendously important.

While no study abroad program can offer an absolute guarantee that students will be safe, there are many steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of becoming injured or a victim of crime abroad. We encourage all students, their parents, and study abroad program administrators to read through the following safety suggestions in order to better prepare themselves in the case of health or safety challenges in Germany.

To address the current worldwide concern for safety, and the need for informed study abroad program participants, the Safety Abroad First–Educational Travel Information (SAFETI) Clearinghouse of the Center for Global Education makes the following safety resource guide available for students studying abroad in Germany. This document is made possible through support from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) of the U.S. Department of Education.

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Student Handbooks
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